
Appalachian Horse Center

2 lokalinvånare rekommenderar,

Tips från lokalbefolkningen

January 17, 2022
The Appalachian Horse Project, a nonprofit volunteer organization, is located in the heart of these mountains, and is supported by the local horsemen and officials. Free-roaming horses can be found within a few minutes drive of Jackson, Kentucky in Breathitt County. Small and large herds, with mares, stallions, and youngsters roam the thousands of acres left by coal mining. Some are owned by local horsemen and are very friendly; others have been handled by people but no longer belong to anyone; and still others have been born on the mountain and are skittish around people. Each tour lasts approximately 2-3 hours, depending on how long it takes to locate the horses. Your visit begins outside of Jackson, Kentucky, the capital of Breathitt County. You will travel into the mountains with a guide in a vehicle suited for mountain roads (both paved and dirt). The scenic byway up the mountain winds up along a beautiful rushing stream and small communities. During your ride up the mountain, your guide will tell you about the history and culture of the area, what coal mining meant to the community, and will point out family cemetaries, an old schoolhouse and a swinging bridge. At the top of the mountain, you begin the trip along dirt roads (formerly coal haul roads) that meander through the hills. Note that these roads are rough. Your guide will know where herds frequently “hang out”, and you will travel to various locations to find the herds. Your guide will explain how these horses came to be free-roaming and what they mean to the community. Your guide can also provide you with a cultural background of the area, especially the role of coal mining and its status. Photos are encouraged! When the tour is over, you will ride back down the mountain to your parked cars and be on your way. If you need suggestions for what else to see in the area, or where to stay or eat, feel free to ask your guide. Your guide will contact you by phone call or text to make sure you know where to meet, or if there are weather concerns. It will take a little over an hour drive to get to Center from Spruce Charmer.
The Appalachian Horse Project, a nonprofit volunteer organization, is located in the heart of these mountains, and is supported by the local horsemen and officials. Free-roaming horses can be found within a few minutes drive of Jackson, Kentucky in Breathitt County. Small and large herds, with mar…
Jay & Vic
November 24, 2019
Did you know wild horses roam the mountains of Appalachia? Now you can get a guided tour to find the horses and learn about the history of our region. Booking is also available through AirBNB experiences.

Appalachian Horse Center med Airbnb-upplevelser

Lär känna detta ikoniska landmärke genom Airbnb-upplevelser, små gruppaktiviteter ledda av lokalinvånare
Möt Mountain Horses of Kentucky
  1. Möte med djur på bondgård
  2. 3 timmar
Kentucky 1098
Jackson, KY